5.4 Supervisory System

Supervisory is a continuous process. To make sure the supervision of final project smooth, supervisor have to monitor the usage of log book, report writing on project and prepare the presentation material.

The log book is compulsory. This logbook contains complete record of ongoing project and student should bring along while meeting the supervisor. The supervisor will endorse the project progress. The record on Logbook describes the attitude, progress and effort of the students. The record in the log book contains:
             i)       Date, discussion, instruction and advices when meets the supervisor.
             ii)       Title, objective, scope, and project planning (Gantt Chart)
            iii)      Work schedule and important dates regarding to the implementation and evaluation of final project.
            iv)      Preparation, problem, solutions and tools needed.
             v)      Project progress
            vi)      Data and information
            vii)     Related diagram
           viii)     References relate with the project.

Students are required to present the results of the project to provide training presentations. This presentation gives students a chance to change their opinions and train students to defend their projects. Among of the important contents during presentation are:

             i)      Title, problem background, objective, and scope of project
             ii)       Literature Review
            iii)      Methodology
            iv)      Results and Discussion
             v)      Conclusion
            vi)      Propose of future work

Project Report

Proposal report and Final project report is a detailed report related to the project has been carried out. The writings shall be made in accordance with the standard format of writing a project report issued by the Department of Mechanical Engineering Projects Unit.


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