7.4 Reference Materials

a)         References and Bibliography
Any report which makes use of other researchers’ work, either in direct quotation or by reference, must contain a ‘References’ section listing these sources, If pertinent works have been consulted but are not specifically cited in the text, they should be separately listed as “Bibliography.”

This section begins on a fresh page bearing the heading REFERENCES in capital letters, centred without punctuation, about 3.5 cm from the top. The list of references begins four spaces below the heading and is double-spaced between entries but single spaced within each entry. A three-space indentation should be used for entries exceeding a single line.

References used in the preparation of project. The method used is APA format. Students are encouraged to consult reference materials such as journals and textbooks than the internet only.

i)       Book
Author Name (year published). Book Title. Published Place: Publisher. Page.

             i)       Article in a book
Author name, (year published). Article Title. Author Name of The Book. Book Title. Published Place: Publisher. Page.

             ii)       Article in a journal
Author name (year published). Article title. Journal title. Jilid (number). Page.

            iii)      Article in a magazine
Author Name (year published). Article Title. Magazine title. Jilid. Page.

           iv)       Thesis
Author Name (year published). Title. Institution Name: Thesis


i)       Adam, J.M. (1990). Tender and Estimate. 7th ed. Prentice Hall. (Page 23-25)
ii)      Chong, Tan Keat. (1982). Depression: It’s Relationship To Self Image. Journal of Clinical Child Psychology, 11 (2), 101-106.
iii)     Dewi Ventakaram (1996). Protecting From Evil E-Mail. PC Magazine.
iv)     Emi Taib (1997). Pengalaman Terhadap Keselamatan Dan Pekerja. Universiti Teknologi Malaysia.
Web page (APA)
v)      University of Tennessee. University Libraries. (2003). Reference shelf: Style manuals. Retrieved February 17th, 2003, from http://www.lib.utk.edu/refs/style.html

Chapter in an online book (APA)
vi)     Harnack, A. & Kleppinger, E. (2003). Choosing and evaluating Internet resources. In Online: A reference guide to using internet resources. Retrieved May 7th, 2003, from

Journal article (APA)
vii)    Greenberg, M. T. (2001). The prevention of mental disorders in school-aged children: Current state of the field. Prevention and Treatment, 4, Article 0001a. Retrieved May 7th, 2003, from


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