7.0 Report Format
7.1 Technical Specification
Typing and Printing
Microsoft Word should be used for typing. All final copies of the
report should be printed. Please use 80 gram of
A4 (210 mm x 297 mm) size paper.
Typeface, Typing Quality and
Font Size
The entire text of the report, including
headings and page numbers, should be of the same font or typeface. “Times New
Roman” should consistently be used throughout the report. Computer printouts
should be clear and of high quality.
i) Font
The body text size is 12 points. Text
should not be scripted or italicized
except for:

ii) Headings and Subheadings
These should be in bold print in font size 14
iii) Symbols or Special Characters/Notations not found on
the Computer Keyboard These should be
drawn in black ink with a mechanical guide.
Margin specifications are meant to
facilitate binding and trimming. The stipulated margins for the general text
are as follows:

All information including text headings,
footnotes and illustrations should be within these margins.
A new paragraph at the bottom of a page
must have at least two full lines of text: if not, it should begin on the next
Use 1.5 spaces between lines and 2
spaces between paragraphs. The following, however, should be single-spaced:

All pages including the references,
bibliography, appendices, tables and figures should be numbered consecutively
in Arabic numerals (1, 2, 3). Page numbers must not be punctuated, bracketed,
hyphenated nor accompanied by any decorative devices and should be centred;
about 2.0 cm from the bottom edge of the text. The position of the page number
must be consistent throughout the report. The preliminaries such as the
Acknowledgement are numbered in consecutive lower case Roman Numerals (i, ii,
iii, iv, etc.)
Each appendix should be identified
separately using a capital letter (Appendix A, Appendix B, etc.) on the top
right-hand margin of the text. The pages of the appendices should also be
numbered consecutively.
No page numbers are required for the

Notes and Footnotes
Footnotes, if at all necessary, should
be kept to a minimum. The font size used for notes and footnotes should not be
less than 8 points.
Tables must be properly centred on the
page within the prescribed margins. Each table must have a reference number (in
Arabic numeral) and a caption. It may be useful to group tables in each chapter
together and to number them in sequence. For example, tables found in Chapter 4
should be numbered Table 4.1, Table 4.2, Table 4.3, and so on.
The word Table, its number and its
caption appear above the table. If any table continues to the following or
subsequent pages, the top line of the page reads (for example): Table 16
continued. The caption is not repeated. If a table is taken from another
source, the reference must be cited properly at the bottom of the table.
Figures may be illustrations, graphs,
maps, charts and diagrams - in fact, anything that is neither script nor table.
The word Figure, its number (in Arabic numeral), and its caption are placed
below the figure. A figure should not normally extend beyond one page. However,
if it does, the same guidelines for tables should be followed. Figures should
be grouped and numbered in sequence. For example, Figure 3.1 should be located
in Chapter 3. Line diagrams should be drawn with the aid of a computer or with
mechanical aids using black ink on white paper.
Equations and Formulas
Every equation should be numbered
according to the chapter where it appears. Use Microsoft Equation Editor.
For example:
F = ma ... (2.1)
It is the first equation in Chapter 2.
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