7.2 Layouts and Arrangement of Contents

a)         Every report is composed of three parts:
The preliminary section
ii)     The text or main body, usually divided into chapters and sections
iii)    The reference materials, usually consisting of references and/or bibliography and appendices

The contents of each part should be arranged in a logical order using sections and subsections, all correctly numbered. The following is an example of how various sections in a report are arranged. It is recommended that this sequencing be used as a guide; not every report includes all the items listed below.

No. Item Remarks
1.     Blank leaf
2.     Title page not paginated but counted as ‘i’
3.     Dedication (optional) not paginated; not listed in Table of Contents but counted as ‘ii’
4.     Acknowledgements paginated as ‘ii’ or ‘iii’ if there is a dedication; listed in Table of Contents
5.     Table of Contents paginated (continuing lower case Roman numeral on preceding page pagination), but not listed in Table of Contents
6.     List of Tables paginated (continuing lower case Roman numeral on preceding page pagination) listed in Table of Contents
7.     List of Figures paginated (continuing lower case Roman numeral on preceding page pagination): listed in Table of Contents
8.     List of Plates paginated (continuing lower case Roman numeral on preceding page); listed in Table of Contents
9.     List of Abbreviations or Glossary paginated (continuing lower case Roman numeral on preceding page pagination); listed in Table of Contents
10.  Abstract paginated (continuing lower case Roman numeral on preceding page pagination); listed in Table of Contents
11.  Main body (Content) paginated beginning with page 1 (Arabic numerals)
12.  References and/or Bibliography paginated with the running number continuing from the last page of the text
13.  Appendices Insert a leaf with only the word ‘APPENDIXES’ in the centre of the page; this separator sheet is counted but not paginated. The actual appendices are paginated using subsequent numbers of References.

14.  Approval sheet not paginated nor listed in Table of Contents 15. 

b)         Preliminary Section
The Preliminaries are made up of a few sections. The heading of every section must be in capital letters (except the title page) and is centred without punctuation about 2.5 cm from the top of the page; the text or listing begins four spaces below. All pages in the ‘Preliminaries’ are numbered in lower case Roman numerals. All pages in the ‘Preliminaries’ are numbered in lower case Roman numerals.

i) Main Front Cover
This page uses the standard cover provided. This page must contain the following information:
1.Title of the report
2. Full name of student
*        Institution name and address

It should be Centred, Capitalize, Times New Roman, Font size 14 for the first line, size 12 for the remaining lines and Bold.

 Example of Main Front Cover

ii)  Title Page

This page must contain the following information:
*       Institution name
*       Logo of Institution
*       Title of the report
*       Full name and registration number of group members
*       The Department concerned (This report is submitted to the department of Mechanical Engineering  as the partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of Diploma in Mechanical Engineering.
*       Session 

Alignment: Center
Font type: Times New Roman
Font Size: 12,
Spacing: 1.5 spacing

Example of Title Page (Second Front Cover)

iii) Submission Form
This page should contain a concise description of the report - something that is not mentioned in other parts of the report.

Example of Submission Form

 i)    Declaration Page (Group Members)
This page must contain declaration and the following information:
*       Signature:
*       Name:
*       Registration No.
*       Date

Example of Student’s Declaration

v)  Acknowledgements
Include a brief statement of appreciation in recognition of any special assistance rendered to the candidate during the period of research.

vi) Abstract (If applicable)
An abstract must give a brief statement of the research problems, aims of the research, methodologies used, and a summary of the finding in the context of the whole study. This section should not exceed 200 words. The abstract should be placed immediately before the first chapter of the report.

vii) Table of Contents
The titles of parts, sections or chapters and their principal subdivisions should be listed in the Table of Contents and must be worded exactly as they appear in the body of the report. It is advisable to use numbers for heading (e.g. 5), subheadings (e.g. 5.1), and subheadings (e.g. 5.1.8).

For further divisions of headings, small letters within parent report (e.g. 5.1.8 [e]) may be used. Such a numbering system, combined with careful indentation and a judicious use of the upper and lower case and italics, could give at a glance the main and subordinate headings and their relationship with one another. There should not be more than three (3) digits in the numbering system. Major headings within chapters are centred. 

Example Table of Contents

            i)     List of Tables and Figures
These lists must use exactly the same numbers and captions that appear above the tables or below the figures in the text or in the appendices.


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6.0 Contents of Report